Howdy Friends & Fans this week another music and information filled episode Swinging out with a Double Shot from Cheryl Deserée of her New CD Dreamy which it the title cut I was Honored to recently World Radio Premiere. Followed by Lubbock Texas area talents Jenni Dale Lord, Gary Nix, Cathy Whitten. Then we hear one from Tommy Hooker, Coby Carter then a Visit with a long time Patron of The Sweetwater VFW Dancehall and Cowgirl Poet Linda Clawson Wright then another from Coby Carter. A Double Shot from Kenneth Goldsmith. Then we will hear from young Abby Payne, Mikki Daniel-Provence and go into the Monthly segment AWA Corner with Dena Wood & I. after which you will hear from Bob Marshall, Donna Richard Lynch = Richard. Next group has Sara Lou & Rex Allen Jr., Bobby Marquez, Moe Bandy. Then it's a Double Shot from Gene Watson, Jody Nix coming to Becky Justice Ford's Legendary Coyote Store. Next it's Keith George, Jim Galloway, Lonnie Spiker. Next group has a New one from Bobby Mackey, Gilbert Prather, Billy Mata, Brad Howard, Tim Atwood. As Always please have Pen and Paper ready for information needed.
Please feel free to share this Swing Post Official Swinging Country show post any where ya wish and allowed. Join me Dena Wood, Vicki Kunetka for SWING - BACK on My Personal Facebook Timeline perhaps limited due to prior obligations they have so please chime in and help out. Till then May God Bless You and Yours :) Keep Swinging Country---
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