Reviews By Mike Gross(Swingin' West)

Mike Gross
Mike is the producer and host of the weekly program on KSEY-FM and Mon-Fri on KTNK-AM. In addition, this Western Swing Hall of Fame member's love for the swinging sounds of hot fiddles and steel guitars has allowed him to review Western Swing albums and books for niche publications and earned him the appreciation award from the prestigious Pedal Steel Guitar Association in 1992, the first non-guitar player to be so honored. In addition, he has also been the M.C. for the Pedal Steel Guitar Association's annual concerts since 1989. In addition, Mike has written liner notes for Western Swing CDs and has been used as a source of reference for many magazines, periodicals, etc. in Western Swing and Western Music. Mike was interviewed and featured throughout in a 2004 documentary movie on the life of Western Swing legend Adolph Hofner.


He was also emcee and DJ between live sets at Lincoln Center, NYC in 2005 & 2006 and the International Steel Guitar Convention in St. Louis in September 2006. Photographs of these events can be found in the Photo album section of this web site.


Although Western Swing is his musical passion and forte, he for many years was also the M.C. and announcer for the Fairfield Counts, an 18 piece Glenn Miller/Duke Ellington type band for all of their summer outdoor concert events. His musical knowledge and interest are in all forms of Swing. Mike feels that "Swing is Swing" no matter if it is Wills, Miller or Manhattan Transfer.
