Grand Ole Opry movie
Grand Ole Opry is a 1940 American comedy film directed by Frank McDonald and written by Dorrell McGowan and Stuart E. McGowan. The film stars Leon Weaver, Frank Weaver, June Weaver, Lois Ranson, Allan Lane and Henry Kolker. The film was released on June 25, 1940, by Republic Pictures
Leon Weaver as Abner Weaver
Frank Weaver as Cicero Weaver
June Weaver as Elviry Weaver
Lois Ranson as Susie Ann Weaver
Allan Lane as Fred Barnes
Henry Kolker as William C. Scully
John Hartley as 'Hunch' Clifton
Loretta Weaver as Violey Weaver
Purnell Pratt as Attorney General
Claire Carleton as Ginger Gordon
Ferris Taylor as Lt. Governor Edgar G. Thompson
Uncle Dave Macon as Uncle Dave Macon
Dorris Macon as Dorris Macon
Roy Acuff as Roy Acuff
Rachel Veach as Acuff Singer
George D. Hay as The Solemn Old Judge
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