The operative words here might be “congenial” and “informal.” The newest release from The Kirkhams has a comfortable feel to much of the sound. However they did seem to feel they had something a bit extra with the title song, for which they've used additional acoustic guns! And I can't disagree with that choice! Aiding in its presentation (beyond Allan's lead & harmony vocals, guitar and mandolin and Jill's harmony, bass and harmonica) we have former Flying W Wrangler Joe Stephenson on fiddle, McPherson Guitar spokesman Jimmy Lee Robbins and Lee Patterson, accordion. On other tracks Juan Eduardo DeHoyos handles lead guitar and Katie Lautenschlager fiddles.
Other original Kirkham picks are a simple veteran tribute to “Uncle Bob,” and a sweet pone for wife Jill “Love Burst.” I've known the feeling. Traditional Western picks are their covers of “Whoopie Ti Yi YO,” a loping swing take of “Home On The Range,” “Buffalo Gals” and the not often covered “All The Pretty Little Horses.” The album is billed as “Traditional Western” But we'd know that from the presence of a song called “Mucking Out The Stalls!” Twelve tracks. Recommended.
CD: $15 in person or $20 ppd from Jill Kirkham, 25353 S. Lightning Creek Rd., Custer, SD 57730-7111
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